Thursday, October 31, 2013

Distro/New Output ^D8

Yo so here's what's changed as far as stock goes. Cleaned out a lot of the distro stuff. Got some new Mirvs cassettes, a new demo. All back issues of Kill Yr Parent's Garden are sold out but I'm definitely going to try to print some new ones soon, in addition to the upcoming #7, which I'll remind you is going to be full-size. Woo! My friend Luke Strom has helped out a lot with this issue.

On top of these things, I do have some new releases planned. It might be a little bit and I don't want to speak too soon about what they will be, just to cover my butt, but if all goes as planned, there's gonna be some solid stuff coming yr way! One thing to look forward to in the next few months is a new Cabeza Twins tape, which'll showcase what are some of our best songs yet, I think!

Hit me up for trades or whatever, as always. I might be at Milwaukee Zine Fest, I don't know, get at me.